Workflow Builder


Your custom made workflow starts its execution with a pre-defined trigger type. By default this is the API Trigger, which enables you to start the execution of your workflow with an API call from your project, using its workflow ID.

Triggers are defined in the trigger section of your workflow. The type field defines the trigger type. Defining a trigger is required.

name: <workflow_name>
  type: <trigger_type>

Types and Usage

The type of trigger determines how your workflow will be triggered. Paradym supports these trigger types:

name: My new workflow
# The trigger defines how your workflow can be executed
  type: api
# The input object is an optional JSONSchema that validates the input of your workflow
  type: object
  properties: {}
# Actions are the steps that your workflow takes to reach its overall goal
actions: []

In this example, the workflow can be triggered through an API call. Typically, you set your workflow up to be triggered whenever it is needed in an application flow. For example, the workflow Issue an Employee Badge, could be triggered through API calls when a new employee is hired, when a badge is lost, when a guest is visiting, or any process that requires to trigger it.

When using the API trigger, you simply specify api. With the agent event trigger, you need to specify the agent event you want the workflow to be triggered by.


You can also manually execute a workflow within the platform when it has the trigger type api. You cannot manually execute workflows with trigger types other than api.

Reasons to manually trigger a workflow could be during testing and development or to execute a once-off workflow (like when registering a credential template).

To manually trigger a workflow, simply press 'run' and a modal will come up to enter any defined input variables manually. If there is no input object defined, the worklfow will execute immediately.