Workflow Builder


Messaging allows you to securely exchange messages with other parties over a created connection. Messages sent between parties are encrypted, and only the recipient is able to read the contents.


Messaging is currently not supported by the Paradym Wallet. You can use Paradym to both send and receive messages, or integrate messaging into a Custom Wallet. If you're in need of sending or receiving messages in the Paradym Wallet, please reach out to us.

Send Basic Message

Name: didcomm/sendBasicMessage
Description: Send a simple message to another connection.
Version: v1

This action will send a simple string message (message) to another agent you have a connection with (connectionId). The parentThreadId can be used as input to create a thread of messages. This lets the receiving agent know that the message is a reply to a previous message that was exchanged.


The attributes key takes the following input.

connectionIdstringConnection identifier to send the message to.
messagestringThe message to send. Must be string, but can contain special characters such as emojis.
parentThreadIdstringThe parent thread identifier of the message. If this value is set, it should refer to the threadId of another message that was sent to, or received from the associated connection.


basicMessageDidCommBasicMessageThe basic message that was sent.


connectionIdstringThe identifier of the connection the message was sent to.
messagestringThe message that was sent.
sentTimenumberTimestamp at which the message was sent in milliseconds since epoch.
threadIdstringThe thread identifier of the message. This can be used as the parentThreadId in subsequent messages to create a thread of messages.
parentThreadIdstringThe parent thread identifier of the message. If this value is set, it refers to the threadId of another message that was sent to, or received from the associated connection.


  - id: sendMessage
    name: didcomm/sendBasicMessage@v1
      connectionId: 73b96794-8cc6-496a-a58a-8d29a271d3fc
      message: 'Hello World!'