Workflow Builder
Invite Collaborators

Invite collaborators on a project


Functionality to invite collaborators on a project is currently only supported through the API (opens in a new tab). This functionailty is not accessible through the UI yet and not recommended for beginners.

Adding collaborators to a project is not available in the Free tier, and only available to the Pro and Custom tiers.

It is possible to add collaborators to a project. Only the owner of the project is able to add collaborators to the project. The invited person already needs to have an existing Paradym account.

A collaborator can see the total amount of available transactions, but is not able to edit billing information or see other projects by the owner that they are not a member of. Once you have collaborators, you can also remove them from the project.

The best way to use this functionality is by looking into the API documentation (opens in a new tab), as this will be most up to date.