Workflow Builder
Paradym Wallet

Paradym Wallet

The Paradym Wallet is an open source (opens in a new tab) companion app to the Paradym platform available on the Apple App Store (opens in a new tab) and Google Play Store (opens in a new tab). The Paradym wallet enables people to manage and present their digital credentials seamlessly. The credential data is stored locally on the user's device, meaning that they retain full control over the information and decide who to share it with.


The Paradym Wallet is fully integrated with Paradym, and can be used as a holder wallet for issuing and verifying credentials to.

Paradym Wallet Preview

Integration with Paradym

The Paradym Wallet is fully integrated with Paradym, and requires no additional setup.

DIDComm Connection Invitation

When creating an invitation using the Create Invitation or Create Connection actions, the invitation URL can be scanned by the QR scanner in the Paradym Wallet, as well as opened using a didcomm:// deeplink. See what to do with the invitationUrl on how to use the invitation URL.


When creating a connection with the Paradym Wallet using the didcomm/createInvitation or didcomm/createConnection actions, the action must be followed up by the didcomm/issueCredential or didcomm/requestPresentation action. Creating a connection without issuing a credential or requesting a presentation afterwards is not supported by the Paradym Wallet.

DIDComm Credential Issuance

When issuing a credential using the Issue Credential action to the Paradym Wallet, you must have first created a connection as described in DIDComm Connection Invitation.

There are two flows supported by the Paradym Wallet for issuing credentials:

  • When issuing a credential directly after a connection is created, the Paradym Wallet will directly show the credential offer screen in the wallet.
  • When issuing a credential to a connection that already exists (and has been used previously to issue or verify a credential), the Paradym Wallet will show a red dot in the top right corner next to the inbox icon.

Push notifications are currently not supported by the Paradym Wallet. This means that the user must open the wallet themselves to see the notification appear in the inbox. Push notification support is planned for a future release.

DIDComm Presentation Verification

When verifying a presentation using the Request Presentation action from the Paradym Wallet, you must first have a created a connection as described in DIDComm Connection Invitation.

There are two flows supported by the Paradym Wallet for requesting presentations:

  • When requesting a presentation directly after a connection is created, the Paradym Wallet will directly show the presentation request screen in the wallet.
  • When requesting a presentation from a connection that already exists (and has been used previously to issue or verify a credential), the Paradym Wallet will show a red dot in the top right corner next to the inbox icon.

Supported Standards

The Paradym Wallet supports the following standards.

Did Methods

The following did methods are supported in the Paradym wallet:

Did MethodNotes
did:webOnly resolving.
did:sov / did:indyOnly resolving. did:indy - bcovrin:test, sovrin, sovrin:builder, sovrin:staging, indicio, indicio:test and indicio:demo networks are supported
did:cheqdOnly resolving. mainnet and testnet networks are supported
did:peerUsed for creating DIDComm connections.

Credential Formats

The following credential formats are supported in the Paradym wallet:

Credential FormatNotes
AnonCredsCan only be used over DIDComm, with did:cheqd, did:sov and did:indy
W3C Verifiable CredentialOnly JWT format with ES256 and EdDsa JWA algorithms. Can only be used over OID4VC.

Exchange Protocols

The following exchange protocols are supported in the Paradym wallet:

Exchange ProtocolNotes
DIDCommOnly DIDComm v1 supported. Using Out of Band v1.1 (opens in a new tab), DID Exchange (opens in a new tab), Issue Credential v2 (opens in a new tab), Present Proof v2 (opens in a new tab), AnonCreds Attachment Format (opens in a new tab)
OpenID for Verifiable CredentialsUsing OID4VCI 1.0 Draft 11 (opens in a new tab), OID4VP 1.0 ID1 (opens in a new tab), SIOP 2.0 ID1 (opens in a new tab)