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Custom Wallet

This guide will show you how to integrate Paradym with a custom holder wallet, and what the holder wallet needs to support to work with Paradym.


The Paradym Wallet is fully integrated with Paradym, and can be used as a holder wallet for issuing and verifying credentials.

If you’re in need of building a custom holder wallet, feel free to reach out to us.

App linking


Configuring custom app linking is not available on the free tier. If you want to use your own wallet with Paradym, you can upgrade to a paid plan. See the pricing page for more information.

When using a custom wallet that you configured in the profile settings of your project, you need to make sure your wallet and website can handle the required links. This guide covers setting up the invitation page, registering deep links, and handling these in your wallet application.

Invitation Page

When an user clicks on an invitation link on their device that has your wallet installed the user will be redirected directly to your wallet. The same is true when they scan the QR on the invitation page with their mobile device with a QR scanner that supports iOS Universal Links and Android App Links.

However if they don’t have the wallet installed they will be shown the fallback invitation page in the browser. By default, Paradym hosts an invitation page on which is used for all invitations. But if you use a custom wallet base URL to link to your wallet, you need to ensure to also host.

You can embed the Paradym invitation as an iFrame into your website or server:

  • Set up an HTML page that matches any route under your configured wallet base URL (e.g. and all paths that fall under that page, e.g.
  • In the html page render an iFrame. To get the URL of the iFrame to render, extract the current URL of the page (using window.location.href) and replace <baseUrl> ( the URL you configured in your profile on Paradym, e.g. with the Paradym invitation page base URL Leave all additional parameters and query parameters in place.

A minimal HTML page that embeds the Paradym invitation page as an iFrame, where the wallet base URL is configured as

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" style="padding: 0; margin: 0"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> </head> <body style="padding: 0; margin: 0"> <iframe id="dynamic-iframe" style="position: fixed; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none" ></iframe> <script> const iframeUrl = window.location.href.replace( "", "" ); document.getElementById("dynamic-iframe").src = iframeUrl; </script> </body> </html>

DIDComm Invitations

If you want to support DIDComm invitations using a custom wallet URL, there is an additional requirement to serve the JSON payload of the DIDComm invitation. OpenID4VC invitation URLs use a custom request_uri and credential_offer_uri param that allows us to link directly to our servers. DIDComm invitation URLs do not use an external URL, and therefore your server needs to serve the JSON payload of the invitation.

To serve the JSON payload of DIDComm invitations on your configured wallet URL, you need to add some conditional logic. On your server, on the same endpoint that is used for the custom invitation page:

  • Check whether the request includes an Accept header that includes the content type application/json (includes, not an exact match). If this is the case, rewrite the URL similar to what is done on the custom invitation page for the iFrame and keep the Accept header. Fetch this URL from Paradym’s server, and return the response.
  • If the request does not include an Accept header, return the HTML for the invitation page.

How this can be implemented differs based on the infrastructure used. An example of how this can be done in Node.JS with Express.JS:

const express = require('express'); const path = require('path'); // Endpoint to handle both HTML page and DIDComm JSON requests app.get('/my-wallet-invitation*', async (req, res) => { try { const acceptHeader = req.header('Accept'); // Replace the wallet base URL with Paradym's base URL const paradymUrl = '' + req.originalUrl.replace('my-wallet-invitation', 'invitation'); // Check if request is for JSON (DIDComm invitation) if (acceptHeader && acceptHeader.includes('application/json')) { // Forward the request to Paradym's server with the Accept header const response = await fetch(paradymUrl, { headers: { 'Accept': acceptHeader } }); // Get the JSON response const jsonData = await response.json(); // Return the JSON with appropriate content type res.type('application/json'); return res.json(jsonData); } // If not a JSON request, serve the HTML page res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'invitation.html')); } catch (error) { console.error('Error handling invitation request:', error); res.status(500).send('Internal Server Error'); } });

To be able to link directly into your wallet based on a deep link, Android App Link, or an iOS Universal Link, you need to register the required schemes in your wallet application.

The following links should be registered:

  • <baseUrl> - Your <baseUrl> should be reigstered as an iOS Universal Link or Android App Link. This will allow linking directing into you wallet. It is recommended to add a path specific for invitations (e.g. so you can redirect these links to your wallet, and know that they came from Paradym.
  • didcomm - this will allow DIDComm deeplinks
  • openid-credential-offer - this will allow OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance deeplinks
  • openid4vp - this will enable OpenID for Verifiable Presentation deeplinks.

Read more on registering an Android App Link, Android Deep Link, iOS Universal Link, or iOS Deep Link.

If you’re using Expo, read the guides on Expo - Android App Links and Expo - iOS Universal Links

Your wallet should be able to handle the following deep links and universal links structures used by Paradym. The deeplinks are rendered on the invitation page and allows opening the link in any identity wallet that has registered the scheme. The universal links enables you to link directly to your wallet.

The <baseUrl> will be the “Wallet base URL” that you configured in the profile page under the project settings.

  • <baseUrl>/<uuid> - DIDComm
    • Fetch the URL according to Aries RFC 343 - Out of Band - URL Shortening. MUST use Content-Type header indicating application/json is requested.
    • Warning: the structure for this will probably change in the future to make it easier to recognize as a DIDComm invitation
  • didcomm://?oobUrl=<shortened-oob-invitation-url> - DIDComm
  • <baseUrl>?request_uri=<oid4vp-request-uri> - OpenID4VP
  • openid4vp://?request_uri=<oid4vp-request-uri> - OpenID4VP
  • <baseUrl>?credential_offer_uri=<oid4vci-credential-offer-uri> - OpenID4VCI
  • openid-credential-offer://?credential_offer_uri=<oid4vci-credential-offer-uri> - OpenID4VCI
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